At Mintz Communications, we bring people together online to support the issue-oriented nonprofits and public sector institutions that determine the quality of life in our neighborhoods and cities—and across American society. We help you grow your digital reach, raise funds, and drive action.

Reaping the benefits of a healthy supporter community calls for planning, hard work, and a spark of magic. Decades of experience with the strategies and tactics of successful community growth and stewardship have given us insight into how you attract, hold, and activate supporters, and we’ll help you develop the right plan and put it into action.



Every organization has different needs, based on its own capacity and resources—sometimes you just need a little help, but sometimes you need full service. We can work with you throughout the whole lifecycle of your digital engagement program, from vision and conception through to execution and measurement.


Here at Mintz Communications, we work with nonprofits of all sizes, public agencies, and mission-driven for-profit organizations. If you think we’re a good fit for your needs, we probably are!

But we believe that the health of our community infrastructure—our public and nonprofit sector, our shared institutions, our built environment, and our third places—is the key to the future of America. And we take a special pleasure in helping community institutions thrive.

Boy with mother and grandfather gardening together in community garden
Group Of Elementary Age Schoolchildren In Music Class With Instruments

As awkward as it feels, sometimes you just have to begin. That’s a particular challenge if you’re in a small or understaffed organization that doesn’t feel like it has the resources you need to be successful. But even in large, well-funded institutions, layers of process and habit can build up over months and years that inhibit your forward motion.

These are fixable problems. A clear plan, one that links your objectives to your strategy and tactics, will give you and your colleagues an unambiguous direction, no matter what your size or scope. We’ll help you develop an actionable plan that maps to your capacity, and train you to steer steadily by your North Star, whatever it may be. And as we work together, we’ll help you clear away processes and habits that are no longer relevant or helpful, so that everyone can see the path forward.